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Posted on
February 19, 2014
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Coronado Beach, coronado beach lifestyle, sunsets in coronado, living in coronado, coronado real estate, coronado beach rentals, coronado beach, coronado lifestyle, coronado sunsets, coronado local, coronado real estate, search coronado homes for sale., coronado shoreline, coronado skimboarding, coronado skimboards, coronado surf shops
Yes, that’s right, skimboarding. Not until a few years ago did this activity become popular which is maybe why some haven’t ever heard of it. It’s like surfing but different because you ride a skimboard along the shore. As we all know, surfing takes place in the ocean’s waves, sometimes in deep parts of the sea or barrier reefs. Instead of taking such great risks, skimboarding is a safer alternative.
In Coronado there are several surf shops where you can buy or rent a skimboard. The shape is more similar to a boogie-board than it is a surfboard. It's nearly half the length of a surfboard, and smaller than a surfboard A skim board typically is made of wood, shaved down until about an inch thick. Its soft and smooth...
Posted on
February 14, 2014
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Coastal South, Coronado Cays Real Estate, coronado beach, coronado beach, coronado lifestyle, coronado sunsets, coronado local, coronado real estate, search coronado homes for sale, coronado bonfires, coronado dog beach, coronado fire pit, coronado pacific ocean, coronado sun, coronado volleyball
During the summer, the Coronado beach will be filled with people. The sun is blazing, the water is glistening and the sand steaming. Sometimes the beach can be overwhelming during the day because of the extreme warms during those summer months, so if you are one of those people then maybe the beach at night is in the cards for you.
One of the greatest things about the Coronado beach is the circle of fire pits. The bonfire pits are located at the north end of the island, just before Dog Beach. If you wanted, you could plan for an entire day at the beach starting with volleyball (might have to set up your own net if you want to stay close to the pits) then a little dip in the ocean, followed by a rinse at the toilets/showers and then get cozy and cuddle up next to...
Posted on
February 13, 2014
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@coronado4sale, coronado beach, coronado beach, coronado lifestyle, coronado sunsets, coronado local, coronado real estate, search coronado homes for sale, coronado kelp, coronado luxury, coronado luxury homes, coronado pacific kelp, coronado pacific ocean, coronado seaweed, selling coronado homes
There are all sorts of interesting things to look at while on Coronado Beach. Some are out in the ocean, others are flying overhead. But in this case, these “interesting” things happen to be on the beach itself. They come from the ocean and during certain times of the year are laying in abundance along the shore. What am I talking about? Kelp.
Never in my life have I seen kelp quite like that of Coronado’s beach. The long, skinny tentacle-like arm can reach up to ten feet long. At one end, the single strand develops into tons of little strands that resemble fingers or cilia, like we once discovered in a middle school science experiment. Those little “hairs” latch themselves onto a rock or some sort of anchor that keeps...
Posted on
February 11, 2014
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coronado beach, coronado beach, coronado lifestyle, coronado sunsets, coronado local, coronado real estate, search coronado homes for sale., coronado homes, coronado lifestyle, coronado sunshine, coronado weather
Last week I had some friends visiting from New York. They are a couple friend of mine, both amazing people and my BFFs from NYC. Years before they met and before I moved to NYC, one of them made a trip to Coronado with some of our other friends for the Holidays. The majority of them were living in New York so they figured getting out of the cold east coast for a trip to Cali was a great idea. And let me tell you, it was a fantastic idea.
These two were living in the midst of a cruel New York winter and needed to get out ASAP. This has been one of the toughest winters in decades for East Coasters, with non-stop snow, bone chilling temperatures and winds that make you weak in the knees. The only parts of your body that are exposed is your face...which you can...
Posted on
February 7, 2014
The other day I was reading an article on this dude who creates sand art. With rake in hand, he spends hours on the beach creating designs with his simple yard tool. It sounds very unconventional but once you’ve seen it, you will be shocked. Seen from an aerial view, his designs appear to be intricate, using the direction in which he strokes the sand to create shadows and depth. This article got me wondering, why doesn’t someone create something similar to this at Coronado’s beach. Maybe someone has and I just don’t know about it?
The thing about creating artwork with sand means that it won’t last very long. Sure, if you build a sand castle, you can do so up on higher ground where it is safe from high tide. But with this...
Posted on
February 5, 2014
Posted in
coronado beach, coronado beach houses, coronado beach lifestyle, sunsets in coronado, living in coronado, coronado real estate, coronado historical homes, coronado historical society, coronado history, coronado homes for sale, coronado hotel del, coronado livingston house, coronado mansions
Near the center of Coronado beach, on the residential side, you will find a house that resembles the Hotel Del Coronado. This mansion-like house is known as the Baby Del due to it’s architectural features. The house was built in 1887 and was originally located in San Diego. But in 1985, the proud owner to this home decided to re-locate the house to Coronado. The house was brought to the island via barge, originally named the Livingston House.
When I was younger, my friend and her family lived at the Baby Del. I loved going to this house not only because it had all sorts of quirky rooms but also because of the pool, jacuzzi, huge backyard and a tree swing. Not to mention a cellar, which for a California girl is a novelty. But the absolute BEST part...
Posted on
January 28, 2014
Posted in
coronado beach, coronado beach lifestyle, sunsets in coronado, living in coronado, coronado real estate, coronado beach, coronado lifestyle, coronado sunsets, coronado local, coronado real estate, search coronado homes for sale, coronado cays, Coronado homes, coronado homes for, coronado paradise, crown city beach
Growing up in Coronado, I didn’t appreciated living so close to the beach. Let’s just tell it how it is...I hated the sand, how it got into every nook and cranny of the body, that it somehow always made it into my bed, the cold Pacific water and the inability to see any creature that may be lurking in the waves. Basically, I was a brat.
Ten years ago I removed myself from Coronado to explore other cities. Now that I have returned to live in this paradise, I have come to truly appreciate the Crown City. But I've grown up, matured (still under debate) and spent time away from a place that I always took for granted. I sincerely (appreciate) how the norm is to wake up and be happy that the sun is almost always shining. In short, my way of thinking...
Posted on
January 27, 2014
Posted in
coronado beach, coronado beach lifestyle, sunsets in coronado, living in coronado, coronado real estate, coronado beach, coronado lifestyle, coronado sunsets, coronado local, coronado real estate, search coronado homes for sale, coronado church bells, coronado clocks, coronado homes for sale, coronado luxury homes
Need to know the time? I know this may seem old school but listen for the bells. There are two beautiful churches in Coronado that chime on the hour, every hour of every day. I know it’s rare to not have a watch or phone to give us the time but there may be an instance where your phone has died or you left your pocket watch at home.
For centuries, the world has used clocks and sundials to know the time of day. And this ancient tradition continues to this day. I’m sure it seems obvious but sometimes we get used to the sounds of our town and hearing the church bells may fall into that category.
Each church plays a little intro, giving you time to listen (no pun intended). Once the melody is over, there will be a single “dong”...
Posted on
January 24, 2014
Posted in
@coronado4sale, Coastal South, Coronado Cays Real Estate, coronado beach, coronado beach lifestyle, sunsets in coronado, living in coronado, coronado real estate, coronado homes for sale, coronado navy seals, coronado real, lone survivor the movie, us navy seals
As Coronado is home to the U.S. Navy SEAL's and their training camp, I have always appreciated what these men put themselves through. Not that I can say I fully understand as I would barely last a day...if that even. Maybe an hour… But after having seen ‘Lone Survivor’ I have a newfound appreciation for these men. And this movie is the type of film that sticks with you.
The intro to the movie is old video footage and photos of the SEAL's in training. Every single one of those shots takes place on Coronado’s very own beach. Yes, this is where they go through months of gruelling camp. I know this, yet it’s crazy to see it!
While I watched these fighters battle for their lives, I couldn’t help but wonder about the families of...
Posted on
January 23, 2014
Posted in
coronado beach, coronado beach, coronado lifestyle, coronado sunsets, coronado local, coronado real estate, search coronado homes for sale, coronado bridge, coronado fog, coronado homes, coronado san diego bridge, coronado weather
As I’ve stated before, not every single day in Coronado is 75 degrees and sunny. On the rare occasion that the sun isn’t shining, you may get days like today. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up and I could smell the moisture in the air. You know, like how you can smell when it’s rained? Looking over my shoulder towards the ocean, no more than 150 yards away, coming towards me was a thick dense fog.
The palm trees came in and out of focus and driving over the bridge was like being in a dream. The low fog made everything feel overcast but had an almost eerie bright light behind. The sun was struggling to make its appearance - it was near impossible to go without sunglasses. Days like today maybe...
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